Luke Jermay
100% sell out shows in the year after launch
Branding, Website Design & Development
Photographer Andrew Aitch takes unique portraits and city-scapes, offering glimpses of people and cities in ways that they’ve never been seen before. Wanting to display and sell his images, as well as offering a point of contact for commissions, he tasked us with creating an identity and website.
The outcome of our branding workshop was an identity that worked to compliment and frame his photography, while also having enough character and personality to be ownable and memorable.
The identity plays on prisms, refraction and alternate realities. The supporting typeface feels fresh and contemporary, and also nods to Andrew’s love of 1980’s sci-fi.
For the website, we wanted to avoid having tonnes of gallery pages and images to cycle through, as is the case with many photographer sites. We stripped down the site into three actions the user can take; browsing, buying prints, and getting in touch with Andrew.
The homepage features selected work, with a filter system allowing people to search by portraits, street photography, or cityscapes. An “Info & Contact” page features a bio and ways to contact Andrew, as well as highlighting exhibitions, features and published work. We also added a page for people to browse and buy prints directly on the site.
“I was amazed by their desire to thoroughly understand my business and its aims. I was grateful for their support in the launch of the website and their prompt communication all through the process. I am overjoyed at the end product and the feedback has been fantastic.
Andrew Aitch, Photographer